Справочник "Биофизики России"
Найдено: 1324.
<< [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200] [201-220] [221-240] [241-260] [261-280] >>
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- Rinaldi S., Scheffer M. Geometric analysis of ecological models with slow and fast processes // Ecosystems, 2000, v. 3, p. 507 - 521.
- Robinson B. A., Viswanathan H. S., Valocchi A. J. Efficient numerical techniques for modeling multicomponent ground-water transport based upon simultaneous solution of strongly coupled subsets of chemical components // Adv. Water Res., 2000, v. 23, p. 307 - 324.
- Sazykina T. G., Alekseev V. V., Kryshev A. I. The self-organization of trophic structure in ecosystem models: the succession phenomena, trigger regimes and hysteresis // Ecol. Modelling, 2000, v. 133, p. 83 - 94.
- Scheuring I. Habitat diversity and stability in a metapopulation // J. Theor. Biol., 2000, v. 206, p. 229 - 233.
- Sempreviva A. M., Gryning S.-E. Mixing height over water and its role on the correlation between temperature and humidity fluctuations in the unstable surface layer // Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 2000, v. 97, p. 273 - 291.
- Silva J. A. L., De Castro M. L., Justo D. A. R. Synchronism in a metapopulation model // Bull. Math. Biol., 2000, v. 62, p. 337 - 349.
- Srivastava R. K., McRae D. S., Odman M. T. An adaptive grid algorithm for air-quality modelling // J. Comput. Phys., 2000, v. 165, p. 437 - 472.
- Wallace B. B., Bailey M. C., Hamilton D. P. Simulation of vertical position of buoyancy regulating Microcystis aeruginosa in a shallow eutrophic lake // Aquat. Sci., 2000, v. 62, p. 320 - 333.
- Wang H. V., Jonson B. H. Validation and application of the second generation three dimensional hydrodynamic model of Chesapeake Bay // Water Quality and Ecosystem Modeling, 2000, v. 1, p. 51 - 90.
- Wazwaz A.-M. The decomposition method applied to systems of partial differential equations and to the reaction-diffusion Brusselator model // Appl. Math. Comput., 2000, v. 110, p. 251 - 264.
- Wu Y., Falconer R. A. A mass conservative 3-D numerical model for predicting solute fluxes in estuarine waters // Adv. Water Res., 2000, v. 23, p. 531 - 543.
- Yamazaki A. K., Kamykowski D. A dinoflagellate adaptive behavior model: response to internal biochemical cues // Ecol. Modelling, 2000, v. 134, p. 59 - 72.
- Yang M. D., Sykes R. M., Merry C. J. Estimation of algal biological parameters using water quality modeling and SPOT satellite data // Ecol. Modelling, 2000, v. 125, p. 1 - 13.
- Zhang J. Preconditioned iterative methods and finite difference schemes for convection-diffusion // Appl. Math. Comput., 2000, v. 109, p. 11 - 30.
- Zou R., Lung W.-S. Uncertainty analysis for dynamic phosphorus model with fuzzy parameters // Water Quality and Ecosystem Modeling, 2000, v. 1, p. 237 - 252.
- Абросов Н. С. Экологические факторы и механизмы формирования видового разнообразия экосистем и проблема совместимости видов Экология в России на рубеже XXI века. М.: Научный мир. 1999. – C.54 – 69.
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<< [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200] [201-220] [221-240] [241-260] [261-280] >>