Справочник "Биофизики России"
Найдено: 1324.
<< [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200] [201-220] [221-240] [241-260] [261-280] [281-300] [301-320] [321-340] >>
- Moore P. A., Fields D. M., Yen J. Physical constraints of chemoreception in foraging copepods // Limnol. Oceanogr., 1999, v. 44, p. 166 - 177.
- Murray A. G., Parslow J. S. The analysis of alternative formulations in a simple model of a coastal ecosystem // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 119, p. 149 - 166.
- Peuravuori J., Pihlaja K. Characterization of aquatic humic substances // Limnology of humic waters / J. Keskitalo, P. Eloranta (Eds.) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1999, p. 11 - 39.
- Ren L., Zhang R. Hybrid Laplace transform finite element method for solving the convection-dispersion problem // Adv. Water Res., 1999, v. 23. p. 229 - 237.
- Richter H., Focken U., Becker K. A review of the fish feeding model MAXIMS // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 120, p. 47 - 64.
- Semovski S. V. The Baltic Sea and Lake Baikal underwater bio-optical fields simulation using ecodynamical model // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 116, p. 149 - 163.
- Silow E. A. The use of two lumped models for the analysis of consequences of external influences on the lake Baikal ecosystem // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 121, p. 103 - 113.
- Sole R. V., Gamarra J. G. P., Ginovart M., Lopez D. Controlling chaos in ecology: from deterministic to individual-based models // Bull. Math. Biol., 1999, v. 61, p. 1187 - 1207.
- Suarez I. Mastering chaos in ecology // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 117, p. 305 - 314.
- Sun P., Yang X. B. Deterministic property changes in population models under random error perturbations // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 119, p. 239 - 247.
- Thingstad T. F., Havskum H., Kaas H., Nielsen T. G., Riemann B., Lefevre D., Williams P. J. le B. Bacteria-protist interactions and organic matter degradation under P-limited conditions: Analysis of an enclosure experiment using a simple model // Limnol. Oceanogr., 1999, v. 44, p. 62 - 79.
- Tufford D. L., McKellar H. N. Spatial and temporal hydrodynamic and water quality modeling analysis of a large reservoir on the South Carolina (USA) coastal plain // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 114, p. 137 - 173.
- Vrede K., Vrede T., Isaksson A., Karlsson A. Effects of nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon) and zooplankton on bacterioplankton and phytoplankton - a seasonal study // Limnol. Oceanogr., 1999, v. 44, p. 1616 - 1624.
- Vrede T., Andersen T., Hessen D. O. Phosphorus distribution in three crustacean zooplankton species // Limnol. Oceanogr., 1999, v. 44, p. 225 - 229.
- Wiegand T., Moloney K. A., Naves J., Knauer F. Finding the missing link between landscape structure and population dynamics: a spatially explicit perspective // Am. Nat., 1999, v. 154, N 6, p. 605 - 627.
- Wiltshire K. H., Lampert W. Urea excretion by Daphnia: a colony-inducing factor in Scenedesmus // Limnol. Oceanogr., 1999, v. 44, p. 1894 - 1903.
- Xu F.-L., Jorgensen S. E., Tao S., Li B.-G. Modeling the effects of ecological engineering on ecosystem health of a shallow eutrophic Chinese lake (Lake Chao) // Ecol. Modelling, 1999, v. 117, p. 239 - 260.
- Абакумов А. И., Кучер А. И. Математическое моделирование экосистемы озера Ханка // Науч. тр. / Дальневост. гос. техн. рыбохоз. ун-т, 1998, (10, с. 3 - 14.
- Аульченко С. М., Латыпов А. Ф., Никуличев Ю. В. Построение кривых с помощью параметрических полиномов // Журн. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 1998, т. 38, (12, с. 1967 - 1972.
- Бульон В. В., Никулина В. Н., Павельева Е. Б., Степанова Л. А., Хлебович Т. В. Биотические взаимодействия в экосистеме потенциально эвтрофного озера // ДАН, 1998, т. 359, №2, с. 277 - 279.
<< [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200] [201-220] [221-240] [241-260] [261-280] [281-300] [301-320] [321-340] >>