Matorin D. N., Antal T. K., Levenko B. A., Kazimirko Yu. V.
Moscow State University, Bioplogical Faculty, Department of Biophysics, 119899, Vorobjovy Gory, Moscow, Russia
The efficiency of the primary reactions of photosynthesis in phytoplankton
were studied under different environmental conditions by chlorophyll prompt
and delayed fluorescence, and termoluminescence methods. The results of
measuring of prompt and delayed fluorescence are used as an indicator of
phytoplankton physiological state and for biomonitoring of environmental
pollution. We have developed a set of computer-controlled devices for the
chlorophyll luminescence analysis. It is the submerged pump and probe fluorometer
to measure underwater illuminance, temperature and phytoplankton fluorescence
parameters (Fo,Fv/Fm ) in situ. Maps of phytoplankton concentration and
its photosynthetic activity distribution with depth in the Black Sea, Tirrenian
Sea, Baikal lake, Norway sea are presented.
- Matorin D.N., Zakharkov S.P.,Venediktov P.S. (1988) Investigation of
the high-temperature thermoluminescence of chlorophyll in marine phytoplankton.
Sov. Plant Physiol. 35, N6, 1078-1084
- Matorin D.N.,Venedictov P.S.,(1990), Chlorophill luminescence in microalgae
culture and natural phytoplankton populations, Itogy Nauki i Tekh.Ser.Biofiz.,
- Matorin D.N., Vasil'ev I.R. and Vedernikov V.I. (1992) Photoinhibition
of primary reactions of photosynthesis in natural populatins of phytoplankton
in the Black Sea. Sov. Plant Physiol. 39(3),455-463.
- Matorin D.N., Venediktov P.S. Konev Yu.N., Kazimirko Yu.V., Rubin A.B.
(1996) Application of a doublee-flash, impulse, submersible fluorimeter
in the determination of photosynthetic activity of natural phytoplankton.
Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, Biol. Sect. 350(7): 1159-1161
- Matorin D.N.,Vavilin D.V, Konev Yu.N., Kazimirko Yu.V., Rubin A.B.
(1997) A study on the correlation between pigment composition in microalgae
and intencity of chlorophyll fluorescence measured with a pulse fluorometer.
Moscow Univ. Biol. Bull. 16(1) 25-28
- Vavilin D.V., Vasil'ev I.R., Venediktov P.S, Izmest'eva L.R., Matorin
D.N, and Polynov V.A.( 1993), Study of the state of Baikal phytoplankton
by using chlorophyll luminescence, Hydrobiol. J. (Russia), 29(2), 3-12.
- Vavilin DV, Ducruet J-M, Matorin DN, Venedictov PS, Rubin AB (1997)
Changes in Photosystem II activity, cell viability and the amplitude of
high-temperature bands of chlorophyll thermoluminescence in green alga
Chlorella pyrenoidosa subjected to various stress conditions. J.
Photochem. Photobiol. B.Biology,42/3, 233-239