Справочник "Биофизики России"
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: Dyer A. J.
Найдено: 4.
Dyer A. J.
Bradley E. F.
An alternative analysis of flux-gradient relationships at the 1976 ITCE
// Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 1982, v. 22, p. 3 - 19.
Dyer A. J.
A rewiew of flux-profile relationships
// Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 1974, v. 7, p. 363 - 372.
Dyer A. J.
Hicks B. B.
Flux-gradient relationships in the constant flux layer
// Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 1970, v. 96, p. 715 - 721.
Dyer A. J.
The turbulent transport of heat and water vapour in the unstable atmosphere
// Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 1967, v. 93, p. 501 - 508.