Справочник "Биофизики России"
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: Gause G. F.
Найдено: 4.
Gause G. F.
Experimental analysis of Vito Volterra’s mathematical theory of struggle for existence
1934, Science 79, p.16
Gause G. F.
Experimental studies on the struggle for existence. 1. Mixed population of two species of yeast
1932, Journ. Exp. Biol. (British) 9, p.389
Gause G. F.
Verification experimentales de la theorie mathematique de la lutte pour la vie
1935. – 87 p.
Gause G. F.
Experimental demonstrations of Volterra's periodic oscillations in the numbers of animals
// Brit. J. Exp. Biol., 1935, v. 12, p. 44 - 48.