Справочник "Биофизики России"
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Сортировка результатов
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: Ostrowska M.
Найдено: 4.
Matorin D. N.
Antal T. K.
Ostrowska M.
Rubin A. B.
Ficek D.
Majchhrowski R.
Chlorophyll fluorometry as a method for studying light absorption by photosynthetic pigments in marine algae
Oceanologia. 2004. V. 46. №4. P. 519-531
Antal T. K.
Venediktov P. S.
Matorin D. N.
Ostrowska M.
Wozniak B.
Rubin A. B.
Measurement of phytoplankton photosynthesis rate using a Pump-and-probe fluorometer
Oceanologia. 2001. V.43. N 3. P. 291-313
Ostrowska M.
Majchrowski R.
Matorin D. N.
Variability of the specific fluorescence of chlorophyll in the ocean. Part1: Theory of classical in situ chlorophyll fluorometry
Oceanologia. 2000. 42(2) 203-219
Ostrowska M.
Matorin D. N.
Ficek D.
Variability of the specific fluorescence of chlorophyll in the ocean. Part2: fluorometric method of chlorophyll a determination
Oceanologia. 2000.42(2), 221-229
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